"ဝန္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ေဟာင္း ဦးခင္ၫြန္႔ ပထမဆံုးအႀကိမ္ ရဟန္းခံရွင္ျပဳ"
ဝန္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ေဟာင္း ဦးခင္ ၫြန္႔အပါအဝင္ သားႏွစ္ဦးသည္ သိကၡာထပ္၊ ရဟန္းခံရွင္ျပဳပြဲကို ယေန႔နံနက္ ၈ နာရီတြင္ တာေမြၿမိဳ႕နယ္ တာေမြေလးရပ္ ကြက္၊ ပင္ေရႊေညာင္လမ္းရွိ ေအာင္ေျမေဗာဓိဓမၼရိပ္သာ အလုိေတာ္ျပည့္ေ က်ာင္းတုိက္ တြင္ က်င္းပခဲ့သည္။
အဆုိပါ ရဟန္းခံရွင္ျပဳပြဲကို ဦးခင္ၫြန္ ႔ႏွင့္ ေဒါက္တာေဒၚခင္ဝင္းေရႊ တို႔မွ အမွဴးျပဳ၍အလွဴဒါနျပဳလုပ္ခဲ့ ၿပီး ဦးခင္ၫြန္႔အပါအဝင္သားႏွစ္ဦး ႏွင့္ေျမး ၅ ဦးတို႔မွ သာသနာ့ေဘာင္ သို႔ ဝင္ေရာက္ကာ အဂၢမဟာ သဒၶမၼေဇာတိကဓဇ၊ ျပည္တြင္းျပည္ပသာသနာျပဳ အလုိေတာ္ျပည့္ ဆရာေတာ္မွ ကိုယ္ေတာ္တိုင္သာ သနာ့ေဘာင္သို႔ သြတ္ သြင္းေပးခဲ့ သည္။
''ဒါပထမဆံုးရဟန္းခံတာပါ။ ရဟန္း ဘဝနဲ႔တစ္ ပတ္ေလာက္ေနမယ္ လုိ႔ေျပာတယ္'' ဟု ဦးခင္ၫြန္႔၏ ဇနီးျဖစ္သူ ေဒါက္ တာေဒၚခင္ဝင္းေရႊက ဆုိသည္။

ညႊန္း - ေပၚျပဴလာသတင္းဂ်ာနယ္ Facebook
ReplyDeletemonk hood is being used.
As we all are Buddhist. Devout Buddhist.
And what is the purpose of posing to get photograph to be published in media ?
To get sympathy votes ?
No way.
Monkhood is good.
We all have to consider things separately.
Deeds speak! He is still responsible for running a torture chamber for almost two centuries.
ReplyDeleteLet by gone be by gone! Nothing is certain in life.religion point of view, this is good deeds
ReplyDeletealmost . two decades.
ReplyDeleteLook at his face... his face doesn't change even after becoming a monk... I don't like his face at all...he was always acting like a very good Buddhist but it is funny that he just now became a monk FOR THE FIRST TIME ....What was he doing when he was in his 20s or 30s or 40s?... Was he a real Buddhist?... Or was he too busy licking Ne Win's boots?...And being a monk for a week is nothing to be impressed with... ha ha... Bo Khin Nyunt has become a media guy again..
ReplyDeleteAppearance and costume doesn't matter, but your attitude and conscience will do.
ReplyDeleteDo whatever you can. But you are going down to hell. Your place is booked already besides your beloved father Ne Win and Than Shwe.
ReplyDeleteGeneral Khin Nyunt (Retired) should be in the monkhood for good.
ReplyDeleteဘုရားလက္ထက္ေတာ္က အ႐ွင္အဂၤုလိမာလ လူ၀တ္ဘ၀က လူအမ်ားကို သတ္ျဖတ္ လက္ညွိဳးျဖတ္တာေတြ ျပဳလုပ္ခဲ့တာေတာင္ ဘုရား႐ွင္ခြင့္ျပဳ ရဟန္း၀တ္ေပးတာေၾကာင့္ ရဟႏၲာ အ႐ွင္သူျမတ္ ျဖစ္ခဲ့ပါတယ္...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous says:
ReplyDeleteApril 10, 2012 6:02 AM Reply
Look at his face... his face doesn't change even after becoming a monk... I don't like his face at all...he was always acting like a very good Buddhist but it is funny that he just now became a monk FOR THE FIRST TIM
Exactly !
I was about to say the same comment !
exactly !
His facies tells the story behind.
Every face tells the story.
for this comment as follow'
fight peacock says:
April 10, 2012 2:04 PM Reply
ဘုရားလက္ထက္ေတာ္က အ႐ွင္အဂၤုလိမာလ လူ၀တ္ဘ၀က လူအမ်ားကို သတ္ျဖတ္ လက္ညွိဳးျဖတ္တာေတြ ျပဳလုပ္ခဲ့တာေတာင္ ဘုရား႐ွင္ခြင့္ျပဳ ရဟန္း၀တ္ေပးတာေၾကာင့္ ရဟႏၲာ အ႐ွင္သူျမတ္ ျဖစ္ခဲ့ပါတယ္...
You can forgive.
Law did not .
Law does not.
Law will not.
That is the reason why law exist.
If you kill someone without good reason, you will be punished. You can not say ' PhaYar Shin Khwint Hloot ..such and such ' in court. OK ?
Understand ?
don't mingle between .. Buddha history , Buddha , Monkhood and Crime against humanity and crimes on its own people.
Needs good explanation.
When the time comes up, you can stand up and say such words in public in front of Town Hall in Yangon or significant area.
Dont' just say like an air of ' Thu Taw Sinn ' here.
"သာဓု. . သာဓု . .
ReplyDeleteသာသနာမွာ ေမြ႔ေပ်ာ္လို႔
ျမန္မာတစ္ျပည္လံုး ေအးခ်မ္းေစ"
(စိတ္မခ်ရေသးလို႔ သာဓု တစ္ခြန္းခ်န္ထားမယ္ဗ်ား)
ကၽြန္ေတာ္ဟာလည္း ဒီမိုကေရစီကို ခ်စ္ျမတ္ႏိုးျပီး အေမစုကို ေလးစားျမတ္ႏိုးတဲ့ NLD အားေပးသူပါ.. ကၽြန္ေတာ္ေျပာခဲ့တာကေတာ့ ဗုဒၶျမတ္စြာဘုရားရဲ႕ ဆံုးမနာယူမႈကို အေလးထားလိုက္နာခဲ့တဲ့ ျမန္မာလူမ်ဳိး အမ်ားစုရဲ႕ သေဘာထားလို႔ ယူဆပါတယ္... ဘာသာတရား ႐ႈေထာင့္၊ ျမန္မာလူမ်ဳိး အမ်ားစုရဲ႕ သေဘာထားလို႔ ခံယူပါတယ္... ျဖစ္ျပီးခဲ့တဲ့ ကိစၥကို ႏိုင္ငံတကာနည္းတူ အျပစ္ေပးဖို႔ ဗုဒၶနည္းတူ သည္းခံခြင့္လႊတ္ ေပးတာ ျမန္မာလူမ်ဳိး တစ္မ်ဳိးတည္းရဲ႕ ခြင့္လႊတ္ေပးတာဟာ ပစၥဳပၸန္ သံသရာ ႏွစ္ျဖာအက်ဳိး အတြက္ ေကာင္းမြန္ပါတယ္.. ဗုဒၶရဲ႕ အဆံုးအမေအာက္က ဗုဒၶဘာသာ၀င္ေတြရဲ႕ ပါရမီေတြထဲမွာ သည္းခံခြင့္လႊတ္ နားလည္ေပးတာဟာ ျမန္မာတို႔ရဲ႕ စိတ္ရင္းပါ...
ReplyDeletehis face is really disgrace though he's wearing peaceful robe. why no change? frankly he's one of the most responsible persons who destroy MR.