နတ္ေရကန္ ဦးေတဇ

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


ဘီလ်ံနာဦးေတဇက မဒြယ္ေရခဲေတာင္ကုိ ဘာေၾကာင့္သြားခ့ဲသလဲ။
နတ္ေရကန္ရိွတယ္ဆုိလုိ႔ သြားတာပါ တ့ဲ။

၂၀၁၁ ေဖေဖာ္၀ါရီလ နတ္ေရကန္အသြား
ေရခဲေတာင္ခရီးစဥ္မွာ ရဟတ္ယာဥ္ပ်က္က်ၿပီး အသက္ေဘးက ျပန္လြတ္လာပုံ အေသးစိတ္ မွတ္တမ္းကုိ အင္တာနက္မွာ ေဖာ္ျပထားပါတယ္။

သူ႔ရဲ႕ေဘာလုံးအသင္း ရန္ကုန္ယူနုိက္တက္ ၀က္ဆုိက္ www.ygnutd.com/files/docs/ma_dwe.swf မွာ ေဖာ္ျပထားတာပါ။

နတ္ေရကန္ဟာ အသက္ ၃၀ အရြယ္ ႏုပ်ဳိမႈကုိ ရေစပါသတ့ဲ။
ဒီမွတ္တမ္းမွာ သူ႔အေၾကာင္းကုိလည္း ဖတ္ရမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

ရဟတ္ယာဥ္ပ်က္က်မႈ ေရွ႕လမွာ တႏွစ္ျပည့္ပါျပီ။
မဒြယ္ေရခဲေတာင္ကုိ ထပ္သြားမယ္ မသြားဘူးဆုိတာေတာ့ မွတ္တမ္းမွာ ေရးမထားပါဘူး။
က်န္ရွိေသးတဲ့ သက္တမ္းတေလွ်ာက္လံုး ကၽြန္ေတာ့္ကုိယ္ကၽြန္ေတာ္ ျမန္မာျပည္ရဲ႕ တန္ဖုိးရွိေသာ လူတစ္ေယာက္အျဖစ္ က်င့္ၾကံေနထုိင္သြားပါမယ္။ လုိအပ္လွ်င္ မိမိအသက္ကိုပင္ ပဓာနမထား၊ တုိင္းျပည္အတြက္ စြန္႕စား စြန္႔လႊတ္ဖုိ႔ အျမဲအသင့္ ရွိေနပါမယ္ ခင္ဗ်ာ
လုိ႔ပဲ ေရးထားပါတယ္။



  1. Anonymous said... :

    တယ္လို႔ၾကာဖူးတာပဲ။:P :P

  1. Anonymous said... :

    ဦးေတဇ ကလည္းအာဏာရွင္သန္းေရြ၏ တပည့္ပီသလွေပ၏ ျပည္သူေတြဆီက ဂုတ္စုပ္ျပီးစားမယ္.. သူမ်ားယုံၾကည္ေအာင္ အထင္ၾကီးေအာင္ အမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိး၀ါဒျဖန္႔ျပီး လိမ္ညာေနတယ္..တကယ့္ကုိ အရွက္မရွိဘူး.အရွက္အေၾကာက္ (ဟိရိျသတၱပ) မရွိတဲ့သူဟာ လူမုိက္မ်ား၏ အျပဳအမူ စရုိက္ဘဲ.

  1. Anonymous said... :

    မွတ္တမ္းမဟုတ္ဘဲ မႊမ္းတမ္း ႀကီးျဖစ္ေနပါလား။ ကိုယ့္ကိုယ္ကုိ မႊမ္းထားလိုက္တာမွ ကန္းကုန္ပဲ။ သဘာ၀ ပတ္၀န္းက်င္ ထိန္းသိမ္းေရးတို႔၊ ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္ ဖြံ႕ျဖိဳးေရးတို႔ အရွက္မရွိ ထည့္ေျပာရဲေသးတယ္။ သဘာ၀ ပတ္၀န္းက်င္ ဘယ္ေလာက္ အေရးထားတယ္မသိဘူး.. ကယားျပည္နယ္က ကၽြန္းသစ္ေတြ ထုတ္တာ အျမစ္ေတာင္ မခ်န္ဘူး။ ပိုေျပာတာမဟုတ္ဘူး။ လြိဳင္ေကာ္ သစ္ဆိပ္မွာ အရင္ႏွစ္တုန္းက ကၽြန္းပင္ျမစ္ေတြ ေတာင္လိုပံုလို႔... ႏိုင္ငံေတာ္ ဖြံ႕ၿဖိဳးေရး ဘယ္ေလာက္ အေရးထားတယ္ မသိဘူး.. သစ္တင္တဲ့ ေတဇတို႔ ကုမၼဏီက ကားေတြ ဖ်က္လို႔ ကယားျပည္ ေတာင္၊ ေျမာက္ လမ္းမႀကီး တစ္ေခ်ာင္းလံုး ရစရာမရွိ စုတ္ျပတ္သတ္ ကုန္တာပဲ အဖတ္တင္ က်န္ခဲ့တယ္။ ဒါကိုပဲ အရွက္မရွိ လူသိရွင္ၾကား မိမိကိုယ္ကို မႊမ္းေနတာ အံ့တယ္ဗ်ာ။..။

  1. Anonymous said... :

    အရူး အူလူး။ သူ႔ကိုယ္သူလည္း သန္းၾကြယ္သူေဌးလို႔ ေျပာလို႔ေျပာ။ သူ႔လုပ္ငန္းေတြအကုန္လံုး အရွံဳးေပၚေနတာ အားလံုးသိ၊ ျမန္မာျပည္မွာေတာင္ မေနပဲ စင္ကာပူမွာပဲ စည္းစိမ္ယစ္ေနျပီး ေလာင္းကစားေတြ အေသအလဲလုပ္ေနတာ။ အံ့ပါ့။ သံုးျဖဳန္းေနလိုက္တာ၊ ခ်မ္းသာတယ္လို႔ ဆိုေနတာမ်ား ၀ါဇီစက္ရံုတရံုလံုး သူ႔အိတ္ထဲ ေကာက္ထည့္ထားလား မွတ္ရ

  1. tin said... :

    bad new is he is alive.

  1. Anonymous said... :

    Aww, he shall thank God for not giving him a pass to "marana." At the freezing temperature, does he want to swim in that lake? Lucky he, man!!!!

  1. Anonymous said... :

    က်န္ရွိေသးတဲ့ သက္တမ္းတေလွ်ာက္လံုး ကၽြန္ေတာ့္ကုိယ္ကၽြန္ေတာ္ ျမန္မာျပည္ရဲ႕ တန္ဖုိးရွိေသာ လူတစ္ေယာက္အျဖစ္ က်င့္ၾကံေနထုိင္သြားပါမယ္။ လုိအပ္လွ်င္ မိမိအသက္ကိုပင္ ပဓာနမထား၊ တုိင္းျပည္အတြက္ စြန္႕စား စြန္႔လႊတ္ဖုိ႔ အျမဲအသင့္ ရွိေနပါမယ္ ခင္ဗ်ာ ... Dont talk rubbish ...

    Just stop cutting down the trees.

  1. မကၡရာဓား said... :

    ခ်မ္းသာႂကြယ္ဝ တ့ဲ လူတခ်ိဳ႕ မွာေတြရတဲ့ "အ႐ူးေရာဂါ တမ်ိဳး" သာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေလးမ်ား creative & initiative ဆိုၿပီးႂကြားလိုက္ေသးတယ္။ create, initiate ဆုိတဲ့ စကားလုံး ရဲ႕ အဓိပၸါယ္ကို ေကာင္းေကာင္း နားလည္ပုံမရဘူး။

  1. Anonymous said... :

    ျခင္းကေန deviated ျဖစ္ျပီး ကိုယ့္ကိုကိုယ္ deteriorate ျဖစ္ျပီး eco-centrated ေတြသိပ္မျဖစ္ေအာင္

  1. Anonymous said... :

    Message to Mr. Tay Za

    Please do not underestimate the people of Myanmar.

    They are gullible. They are naive.

    but they are learning each and everyday.

    First thing you have to do is

    1. Declare ur income ( both legitimate and illegitimate ) and pay back ' tax ' to Myanmar including ' fine ' .
    If you declare self, you will be pardoned.

    Tax evasion had no indemnity in the world. It is a big crime.

    2. Do not be self-crazy with ' Dragon ' year born. Surreptitiousness is still prevalent in Myanmar and Thailand. People should not be 'totally dependent ' on such ' YaDaYar, BayDin, asttrology ' etc ..

    Practicality is more important. Such belief and followers make country ' falling into danger' . It has been evidenced in the past.

    So, don't you think yourself, people born in Dragon year is not without ' repercussion ' . * you were born in '64. We know. But that does not mean to anything.

    3. The time is not too late. You and people like yourself should change 'Attitude '. Just return what you all have stolen from country. Explain how you all become ' rich in unexplained ways' .

    4. Then you can talk OR travel on the rest of your life.

    After all, Buddhism , Fairness and ' Ta Mar Arr Zi Wa professionalism ' is the answer to our country and people.

    Do not steal from your own country. and from own people.

    You see, in early explorers stole / rob from other countries. .....not their own countries. ...If you look back the world in past centuries.

    Do not practice ' cannibalism ' . *( Zat Thu Thar Ma Sarr Ya Bu ). ' Hin thar Ko Thaung Pyet Tat Dae"

    That's all folks !

  1. Anonymous said... :

    Dear Mr.TayZa,
    First of all, God let you live to redeem yourself..... not to go on your life into Deeper SIN than you already had.

    Secondly, I do agree on being/getting rich in life but not the way that you did though. Look what Bill Gates has been doing. You should share your fortune with less fortunate people.

    Third, there are lots and lots of Burmese who do have big brain and big heart. So please stop kidding around with these kinds of articles .....

    Fourth, Retribution can bite you back. To let you know ...... It is just a matter of time.

    and much more ............

    Just to share with you ... this is one of many things that Steve Jobs said when he is fighting with his cancer... " Being the richest man on the cemetery does not matter to me. But going to bed at night saying I've done something wonderful.... that's what matter to me the most."


    ME (USA)

  1. Anonymous said... :


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