Lady, Lady သီခ်င္း

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A song celebrating Aung San Suu Kyi and the Burmese democracy movement.

Music & Lyrics by Sara Gamon
Arranged by Galen Willett

Lead Vocal: Tiffany Wilson
Ensemble: Shilpa Ananth, A.A. Enriquez, Joanne Jett Galindo, Yun Huang, James Miring'u Kamwati, Minako Yabe, Rendra Zawawi

Congas: Enø & Judith Soberanes
Drumset: Andrés Marín
Bass: Galen Willett
Guitar: Nat Svecha Saralamba
Taiko Drums: Isaku Kageyama
Auxiliary Percussion: Yuki Kanesaka, Andrés Marín, Sean Peters, Galen Willett

Produced by Sara Gamon
Mixed by Takuto Kaneko
Mastered by Takuto Kaneko

Video by Paulette Waltz

Thank you to Berklee College of Music.


  1. Anonymous said... :

    by the way, how can I find the LADY movie.

  1. Anonymous said... :

    The Lady ကားကိုု ၾကည့္ခ်င္ေနတာၾကာၿပီ။ အိႏၵိယမွာလည္း ျပေနၿပီ၊ ကေနဒါမွာလည္း ျပၿပီးသြားၿပီ။

    အေမရိကားက ႐ုုပ္႐ွင္႐ံုုေတြမွာ ေၾကာ္ျငာထားတာေတာင္ မေတြ႔ရေသးဘူး။ ဘယ္ေတာ့ ျပမလဲမသိဘူး။ DVD အေခြလည္း ထြက္လိမ့္မယ္ေတာ့ မထင္ဘူး။ အေမရိကားမွာေတာင္ ႐ံုုမတင္ရေသးလိုု႔။

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