သတင္းစာထဲက ဦးသိန္းစိန္ မိန္႔ခြန္း

Friday, March 2, 2012

ျပည္ေထာင္စုလႊတ္ေတာ္တြင္ သမၼတသက္တမ္းတႏွစ္ျပည့္ မိန္႔ခြန္းေျပာၾကားေနသည့္ သမၼတ ဦးသိန္းစိန္ (ဓာတ္ပံု - Reuters)

ဒီေန႔ ေၾကးမုံသတင္းစာမွာ ေဖာ္ျပထားတ့ဲ ဦးသိန္းစိန္ရဲ႕ မိန္႔ခြန္းပါ။
(မိန္႔ခြန္းေျပာဆုိမႈသတင္းကုိေတာ့ ဧရာ၀တီပင္မစာမ်က္ႏွာမွာ ေဖာ္ျပျပီးျဖစ္ပါတယ္။)

စာမ်က္နွာ - ၁
စာမ်က္နွာ - ၂
စာမ်က္နွာ - ၃
စာမ်က္နွာ - ၄


  1. Anonymous said... :

    The present goverment should decide by more wise thinking.
    ၀န္ ထမ္း ေတြလခ မ တိုး မီ ေဆာင္ ရြက္ သင့္ သည္ မ်ား
    ၁) ျပည္ သူ အားလံုးအတြက္ အလုပ္အကိုင္ အခြင့္ အလမ္း ေကာင္းမ်ား ဖန္ တီး ေပးရန္
    ၂) အခ်ိဴ. ေသာ ဌါန မ်ား ကို က်စ္ လစ္ သိပ္ သည္း ေသာ ပံု စံ ျဖင့္ ျပင္ဆင္ဖြဲ. စည္း ရန္ (၀န္ ထမ္း အင္ အား ေလ်ာ. ခ်ရန္။)
    ၃) ဖြဲ. စည္း ပံု အ သစ္ မွ ၀န္ ထမ္း မ်ား သည္ ထိ ေရာက္ စြာ အ လုပ္ လုပ္ ၾက ရန္
    ၄) ၀န္ ထမ္း ေတြလခတိုး ရန္
    ၄င္း အေျခ ခံ အခ်က္ မ်ား ကို အေလး ထား စဥ္း စား သင္. ပါသည္။ အေျခ ခံ အခ်က္ မ်ား မ ပါ ဘဲ လစာ တိုး လ်င္ ( အတြင္း လိွုဳက္ စားေန ေသာ အနာကို အ ေရ ပ်ား အေပၚယံ လႊာ ေဆး ကု ေပး ျခင္း ျဖင္. တူ ပါ သည္။)

  1. Tomahawk said... :

    thein sein trying to say another big lies again.
    actually, they do not have any qualities to do anything for good for country and people.
    the most important thing is, they are still seeing and treating NLD & Daw Aung San Suy Kyi as 'Bitterest Enemy'. That's why they are playing so dirty to opposition.
    The truth is they do not have real desire for change, the way they are trying to change is just small things.
    they are still willing to squeeze the grip of absolute power.
    they have this kind of master plan to cheat...!

  1. Anonymous said... :


  1. May said... :

    Dear Mr. President,
    Gentleman must keep own words and promises. Don't forget it.

  1. Peter Shwe said... :

    President’s Speech
    Page one

    The delivery of speech to the Parliament on Thursday 1st of March 2012, was marvelous, splendid and beautiful specimen. It was also balancing speech to seek support and encouragement from the public in order to achieve the transformation of the country.
    The President seems to be a very collaborative mood to transform the country towards Democracy but I have noted a few points from his speech.
    In his greeting, he called the people of Burma as the parents of the country not only the people in the country but also the citizens of Myanmar those are living outside the country. It was nice to hear his highly respectable and appreciated greeting which was never approved by the previous government.
    I learn from his speech that he is a follower of “rule of the law”. He would use this as a skeleton of the infrastructure and effective formation of the country to create better position towards Democracy.

    Please read page 2
    Public View

  1. Peter Shwe said... :

    Page 2 of Speech
    In his speech, he gave his meaningful words that he wishes young generation to see using modern technology i.e Laptop rather than the “gun”. It sounds good to me but the question of encouragement in learning technology for the young generation can be not that easy task unless the President forces the Education System to be changed and to ensure it is made available for the learning process of modern technologies in the country. To be honest our computer science and the technology education are far behind the nearest countries in Asia.
    In his address to the Parliament, the President also mentioned that he was trying his best to expand the economic system and to enlarge commercial process which will be governed by the “rule of law”. He warmly welcomes all foreign investors in the country to make some developments in the country and to lift the country level up. He also stated that he even encourages the civil servants and officers in departments to increase their salaries in line with present economy disruptions so that the civilians may probably be able to cope with the inflation arises. Has the President forgotten to look after the poor and daily workers at all? How can they cope with the present inflation arises? I felt that these people should not be discriminated. Democracy includes fair decision and equal opportunity.
    At this point, I would like to stress that increasing the salaries for the departments may signal the businesses to increase the high flyer consumer’s prices. We need to balance up the pros and cons.
    I wish the President to think the other way round. We would like to cut the costs first rather than increasing the salaries to meet the cost of living. This means the President needs to look further in details the reasons why the inflation had gone up. Reducing the inflation could lead to better living standard and it would balance up with our economy system.
    By doing so, may achieve the satisfaction from the public or consumers. If the President encourages to increase the salaries to match with the inflation, this would be never ever fulfilled the desire that the public wanted and we would be missing to achieve our goals. This is true nothing but the truth. How many times the salaries and wages were lifted in the past? Despite several increments in the past the inflation was the same and now it has been getting worse though.
    Please read page 3

  1. Peter Shwe said... :

    I also noted from his unforgettable speech that he only mentioned his desire to the unity of the country. It is good to be unity and creation of peaceful country. However there wasn’t any indication in his speech regarding how the President took the appropriate steps and prompt action to resolve the corruptions and bad experience in inflation that the citizens are facing. Whether believe it or not I would say these were un-touch. The new government never attempted to take appropriate actions on these since 2010. I would suggest that the country needs not only unity, peace and developments but also stability of living standard and survivals are also treated as the national major issues.
    We have fuel industry. We have oil. We have forestry. We have sufficient gold. We have uncountable Gems. We have sufficient electricity power supply for our own country. We have engineers and experts. We have civil engineers. We have medical professions. We have everything. Why we are having poverty status? I feel that we have sufficient supplies in the country for our people. If that so, why we are having under influence of bad administration and under performance management?
    As a member of public all I would like to hear from the Parliamentary speech was it would be free and fair by-election in April, the government is happy to collaborate with the successful party to be able to implement the rule of law so that we will achieve pure Democracy. On the other hand, the President is closely looking into the feedback, queries, corners that the citizens are having and practical difficulties that the public is facing in day to day life. “Listening Practice” makes the government much better position to have important support from the citizens of Myanmar. I would like the President to listen what people are saying. I also would like the President to identify what went wrong in the past? Then to take effective analysis on the wrong doing and remedial action to be taken so that we will learn the lesson and this will not happen again. In my opinion, there is always a room for improvement. My humble advice is that the Present, the members of Parliament and the successful party should work in partnership with the public to establish “rule of law” in proper way without any bias.

    By: Public View

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