ဖိလစ္ပိုင္ ႏိုင္ငံျခားေရးဝန္ႀကီး မစၥတာ အယ္လ္ဘတ္ အက္ဖ္ ဒယ္ ႐ိုဆာရီယိုနဲ႔ ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္တို႔ မေန႔က ေတြ႔ဆံုၾကပါတယ္။ ႏိုင္ငံျခားေရးဝန္ႀကီး ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္အေပၚ အေတာ္ကို အထင္တႀကီး ေလးေလးစားစား ျမတ္ျမတ္ႏိုးႏိုးရွိတဲ့ အမူအရာကို ေတြ႔ရပါတယ္။ (ဓာတ္ပံုမ်ား - ဧရာဝတီ)
You miss ' Ka '
Naing Ngan Gyar Yay WoonGyee " Ka ' DASSK ' ko ' ........RIGHT
If " Ka ' is missing as u do, DASSK becomes ' foreign minister '
there are four NaukSet for Subject in Myanmar TaDar (=Grammar )
' thee'
' ka'
' Hmar '
' Karr'
Pyaw Ya Dar Maw Pee, You Irrawaddy people do not have good basic. Please get foundation class or revision .
Quick revision with Myanmar ThaDar by SaYaGyi U Pe Maung Tin SinYin PyuZu Thee - books may be found in old bookshops in PanSoSan Street. Ask Mr. Aung Zaw to buy a few copies to read, to study all other ' NaukSets' in Myanmar TaDar.
You'd better write simple and easy-to-understand Myanmar. Not to make readers to get misunderstood and misinterpreted.
To write Correctly Myanmar is TO RESPECT.
This does not relate anything with past and current Myanmar Government.
If you do not respect your literature and own language - WHO WILL ? WHO WILL ? WHO WILL ?
Save for the some creative writing like doublespeak, fancy writing and some new words in special occasions, SIMPLE, easy to understand and grammatically correctly written Myanmar should be composed not only for your Organization reputation but also for your own country and culture.
Pyaw Dawt - ' WayPhan AhKyan Pay Hmu Myar Ko KyoZoe Par Thee ' .. Lote Tawt Ta-Lwell Chee Pae.
Pyaw Ya Tar Lae - Mawwwww Hla Pee.
Irrawaddy is expressive media - two components - speaking ( news reading, interview ) and writing .
All are to be in Good Myanmar way grammatically. Grammatically.
Gross mistake should not be made.
How do I call myself this time?