ဘာလီမွာ အေခ်ာအလွေတြ စုေဝးၾကၿပီ

Monday, September 9, 2013


ကမၻာ့ အလွပဆုံး အမ်ဳိးသမီးအမ်ားအျပားထဲက ၁၃၁ ေယာက္ အင္ဒုိနီးရွားႏုိင္ငံ ပုိလာဘာလီမွာ စုေဝးေနၾကပါၿပီ။
Miss World မယ္ၿပိဳင္ပဲြႀကီးမွာ အလွအပနဲ႔ ထက္ျမက္မႈေတြကုိ သြားၿပိဳင္ေနၾကတာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

ကန္႔ကြက္မႈေတြ ရိွေနတ့ဲၾကားထဲက အင္ဒုိမွာ Miss World မယ္ၿပိဳင္ပဲြႀကီးကုိ က်င္းပခ့ဲတာပါ။

ဖြင့္ပဲြကုိ တနဂၤေႏြေန႔က ၿပိဳင္ပဲြက်င္းပရာ ဘာလီကြ်န္းမွာ လုပ္ပါတယ္။
ဖြင့္ပဲြအျပင္ Miss World ေဂါက္ရုိက္ပဲြ၊ အစမ္းေလ့က်င့္ျခင္းတုိ႔ကုိလည္း လုပ္ခ့ဲပါတယ္ တ့ဲ။

၆၃ ႀကိမ္ေျမာက္ မယ္ကမၻာေရြးပဲြႀကီး ဖြင့္ပဲြကုိ ရုပ္ထင္သံထြက္ကေန လႊင့္ျပတာ ႏုိင္ငံေပါင္း ၁၈၆ ႏုိင္ငံ ရိွပါတယ္ တ့ဲ။

Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia နဲ႔ Front for Islamic Defenders တုိ႔လုိ
သေဘာထားတင္းမာတ့ဲ မူဆလင္အသင္းအဖဲြ႔ေတြရဲ႕ ဆန္႔က်င္မႈ၊  Indonesia Ulema Council ဆုိတ့ဲ ၾသဇာႀကီးတ့ဲ ဘာသာေရးအဖဲြ႔ရဲ႕ ကန္႔ကြက္မႈတုိ႔ေၾကာင့္ အင္ဒုိနီးရွားအစုိးရက ဒီၿပိဳင္ပဲြ က်င္းပတ့ဲေနရာကုိ
ၿမိဳ႕ေတာ္ ဂ်ကာတာကေန ဘာလီကြ်န္း ေရႊ႕လုိက္တာပါ။

ၿပိဳင္ပဲြစီစဥ္သူမ်ားက ဘီကီနီက႑ ျဖဳတ္ေပးမယ္၊ အဲဒီအစား လုံခ်ည္ဝတ္က႑ အစားထုိးပါ့မယ္လုိ႔ သေဘာတူလုိက္တ့ဲၾကားထဲက ဒီလုိ သေဘာမတူမႈေတြ ေပၚေပါက္လာတာပါ။
ဒီအေၾကာင္း ဧရာဝတီ ဘေလာ့မွာ ေဖာ္ျပခ့ဲၿပီးပါၿပီ။
http://blog.irrawaddy.org/2013/08/blog-post_2791.html မွာ ျပန္ဖတ္ႏုိင္ပါတယ္။

မယ္ကမၻာအသင္း ဥကၠ႒ Julia Morley က စေနေန႔ သတင္းစာရွင္းလင္းပဲြလုပ္ရာမွာ
We only want to try to find the best way of working together လုိ႔ ဆုိလုိက္ပါတယ္။

“အတူတူ တဲြၿပီးလုပ္ႏုိင္ဖုိ႔ အေကာင္းဆုံးနည္းလမ္းကုိရွာဖုိ႔ ႀကိဳးပမ္းခ်င္တာပါ”  တ့ဲ။

သူတုိ႔ ေရာက္သြားတ့ဲ ဘာလီကြ်န္းမွာေတာ့ လူမ်ားစုက ဟိႏၵဴေတြပါ။
အင္ဒုိ ဆုိတာက ကမၻာေပၚမွာ မူဆလင္ အမ်ားဆုံး ေနထုိင္ရာနုိင္ငံ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

အင္ဒုိမွာ လူဦးေရ သန္း ၂၄၀ ရိွတယ္၊ အမ်ားစုက အလယ္အလတ္သေဘာထားရိွသူေတြျဖစ္တယ္၊ သေဘာထားတင္းမာသူတခ်ဳိ႕လည္း ရိွပါတယ္ တ့ဲ။
သိပ္မၾကာေသးခင္ႏွစ္ေတြအတြင္းမွာေတာ့ အဲဒီ သေဘာထားတင္းမာသူတုိ႔ရဲ႕အသံ ပုိၿပီး က်ယ္က်ယ္ေလာင္ေလာင္ ထြက္ခ့ဲတာပါ။

ကုိးကား -

Miss World Opens in Indonesia After Protests http://www.irrawaddy.org/archives/43606

ဘာလီကုိ အလွအပမ်ား ေရာက္ရိွလာတ့ဲ ျမင္ကြင္းမ်ားကုိ မယ္ကမၻာအြန္လုိင္းကေန ကူးယူ ေဖာ္ျပလုိက္ပါတယ္။

Reigning Miss World Wenxia Yu has arrived in Indonesia! Her first full day in Indonesia included a trip to one of Bali’s most magical locations, Tanah Lot.
Yesterday afternoon a group of eight Miss World contestants (Costa Rica, Gabon, Austria, England, Brazil, Guyana, Chinese Taipei and Vietnam) joined Miss World to visit the stunning temple of Tanah Lot, located within arm’s reach of the Nirwana Bali Resort.
This temple was built in the 16th century, and receives uncountable visitors every day. The afternoon is the perfect time to visit the temple, when the tide is out, giving access to the rock formation it is located on.
There are many legends surrounding Tanah Lot, The most famous of them all the legend that there are thousands of snakes living underneath the temple, protecting it from intruders and unwanted visitors.

After a photo session at the temple, taking in the spectacular views of the Indian Ocean, the contestants went to visit the local street market and shops in the Tanah Lot area.  Although touristic, this area is enchanting, with incredibly friendly local workers, who were so pleased to see and to meet the contestants who had come to visit them.  The shop keepers presented gifts to the Miss World hopefuls, who stopped to exchange words and laughs with them.
Back at the Nirwana, we asked the ladies what they thought of their visit, and all of them said how fantastic they found their experience, especially how impressive the views were.
Gabon sat down with us and commented that “in my country there are also temples called Bwiti, but they are different.” She told us that “we had a great welcome and that they have been very friendly with us in the street market”
When asked about her time at Miss World 2013 so far, she continued, saying “it is a great opportunity to know people from other cultures. Every day I try to sit down with different girls, to know more about them, and to improve my English,”




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