အစိုးရကို မေက်နပ္လို႔ေအာ္ယံုေလာက္နဲ႔
ေထာင္ခ်ခဲ႔ရတာေလာက္နဲ႔ နိုင္ငံေရးသမားျဖစ္ေရာလား?
က်ဳပ္တို႔ တိုင္းျပည္အနာဂတ္အတြက္
ျပန္လည္ထူေထာင္ေရးအတြက္ တကယ္လုပ္နိုင္တဲ႔
အစြမ္းအစရိွတဲ႔ နိုင္ငံေရးသမားစစ္စစ္
(နိုင္ငံအေရးကို ကိုယ္က်ိဳးစြန္႔လုပ္ေနတဲ႔သူ)
Dear Irrawaddy,
We got information from reliable source that group of army officers who graduated from Russia are attacking and planning to attack reputation of our leaders. They use such a comments above and create wrong impression on the leaders among general public.
Irrawaddy, as a responsible media, should do something about it.
Why Zaganar always meet here and there ?
He should do for public work , he is not political. Don't be overestimate .
"group of army officers who graduated from Russia are attacking and planning to attack reputation of our leaders. They use such a comments above and create wrong impression on the leaders among general public" ???
Go to hell, man!One of above comments is written by me and I am neither from Russia nor military circle. He looks like double-edged sword and that is why ..
to Anonymous .......
for above comment....
To do that, Arrest more innocent people and kill some in prisons and release some with ( trauma, and physical and mental illness )
and those people will do politics with ' what called sacrifice .
so Myar Myar Phan , Myar Myar Hnate Set Pawt..........Hote Lar .
Say 100 times what u commented every night before u go to sleep.
က်ေနာ္ကေတာ့ ကုိဇာဂနာ ကုိေက်ာ္သူတုိ႔ လုပ္ေဆာင္ခ်က္ေတြက စစ္အာဏာရွင္ေတြကုိ အရွိုဳက္ကုိ ထုိးလုိက္သလုိ သိပ္ထိတဲ႔ လက္သီးတဲြလုံးေတြလုိ႔ျမင္သမွ်.ဒါေပမဲပ အေပ်ာ့ထည္နဲ႔တုိက္တာပါ။
To Ko Zaganar, Please do not ruin your sacrifices with one unfavorable political stunt ( with khin nyunt issue).
that is not heroic or forgiveness , that is scary stunt for you, Be Careful. I hope u can realize that move.
We all know khin nyunt is criminal and he does not have any courage to confess about his series of wrong doing in the past....
I just want to ask people who criticize about U Khin Nyunt... Are they ever been jailed by him,,, or are you all suffered by him... Zarganar suffered more than anyone else in Myanmar... He is not doing any stunt ... He is forgive him for the sake of Myanmar People as a whole,and showing Army that we can forgive them for what they did in past if they give freedom and democracy to people now... Without current government's will, we will not easily achieve this, unless all the people stop shouting and do something... Zarganar did it for people and he has suffered enough... Now some army officers graduated from Russia worried so much for their place in the future and planning psychological warfare against people's leaders and lower IQ people following this trend just by shouting nonsense ...
Anonymous says:
January 27, 2012 12:50 PM Reply
ref; above
Rubbish. I think, most people comment against on M I and his team for ' MaTaYar ' . ZKN becomes side issue.
I do not think Students to Russia is the the issue. And people are not stupid, especially those outside Myanmar for a number of years. ( People in Myanmar, some are not stupid either). Only it is you, who on behalf of ZKN ' to save his akin/ or / to save his face ' . You can do that. But people will judge. No one can label those as ' low intelligent'.
It is people like you who used such expression of English ' Low I Q ', ' Forgive, but no forget' , ' Reconciliation 'and so on only as 'habitual words without saying in right time and right place and with right sense ' .
Do not name those people in Irrawaddy or other webs site who criticize with their ' High I Q ' or Medium I Q or Low I Q ' ( that does not matter ! ). They say whatever they see/ and / whatever they feel.
What we noted it ZKN went to DASSK to pay respect ( Ka Dawt ). We saw in photo in Irrawaddy. Then we heard the news in Irrawaddy, ZKN commented ' there are low intellectual people in NLD ' . It is not of his business and It is their C E C ( Central Executive Committee ) of its own political party. Soon after that, we heard, only from the distance via Irrawaddy/or / one Myanmar Media that he is going to study in Clinton Foundation. Then ' Jan 13 2012 ' release happened.
I just summarized what happened for all to memorize, all based on Myanmar Media websites.
There are two kinds of people - two different natures, A( acceptable ) and B ( Unacceptable )- according to late 80s and early 90s . right?
People supported A because A criticized OR conveyed the messages of peoples suffering to government by satire and jokes. That is the reason why A got more and more support. There are no other reasons for such big support.
Then A was kept for custody. People have in their mind ' lots of frustration, anger, sense of revenge, sense of retaliation,anxiety, fear, = all mixtures of strong emotional feelings ( = passions ) . At that time Person A did ' the surprise '. Especially ' criticizing in negative ways to NLD organization ' . ( U Win Tin invited him to join N L D - I feel he expected to be a ' top job position).
So OnLine People reacted ' this and that ' ways to his surprised surprised behaviour. It is not sin. It is not uncommon in the world. Stockholm Syndrome? .
That is how people reacted. We, who commented here, are of different personalities and from different areas. But what is our ' common interest ' in this Irrawaddy website is like a kid's language ( Kha Lay ZaKar Pyaw Ya Yin ) .
' Ma kaung Thu Ko Pae, Kaung Thu Ko Kae '
' Ma Kaung thaw Ote sar ko , hloot pyit, Kaung Tar Ko Tein Htar ' .
How kids decide ? BASED ON ' Past Experience ' . .Yes. Based On ' Past Experience ' .
Past Experience ' sheet Pee Hma' if people is still doing behaviour of ' fonding such experience by using such rhetoric ( ZakaLone Hla Hla ) then, this is unacceptable.
Who will judge ? Again . Online Pubic will judge. Irrawaddy will not judge. No one will.
ZKN was a public figure. No one can deny it but in positive way.
KN was a public figure too. No one can deny it, but in negative ways. So picture of such behaviour is NOT HARMONY in people's eyes. Not in people's mind. Say, If I am allowed to say a simple everyday thing as an example - 'Well I changed my mind. ....can any reader please give ' an good example of NOT HARMONY ' reflecting such behaviour.
Please remember - this is the history.
When we read ' Who is who is WW II' ' Encyclopedia of WW II' .. and lots and lots of history books written in the past. It is now > 60 years after WW II. When we die, the history will be written.
Well - someone do not care what they did - saying if I die , I don't care and I will do whatever I like. ( with their own concept )
What shall we do for such kind of people? Shall we let him/ her do whatever he/she likes while he/she is alive ? .......
Then . the word " LAW ' comes in.No one can stop him by force. There will be fight and blood shed. Then the ' Law and Law enforcement ' have to play a role.
It is only ONE COMPONENT of the OTHERS.
Now if it is not done by people while in good opportunities like here these days, Who Will ? and WHEN ? WHEN AGAIN ?
I said, there should be no personal , but for all those suffered more than enough.
One day, after we all die including Irrawaddy members and all readers here and all players playing in 2010 - 2040 - HISTORY = history - HISTORY.
(SO do not say somewhat negatively labeling to readers ' Low I Q' . and go and learn I Q - Intelligent Quotient is not measured by how they comment here.)
by saying so, are you calling yourself ' man of high I Q '? You - Bird Brain!
(Not Bariyani,Dan-Pauk Hta-Min)
is it the condition to comment in here . one has to be jailed ?
Is this the condition ? If people are not jailed , can not comment here for the guy?
we say what we see.
we say what we hear.
we say what we feel.
Here is no issue of ZKN went,paid respect and met KN.
Or, nothing to say with Forgive or Unforgive.
What we are talking about is ....
Why did ZGN plead The President that, " it was inappropriate to put KN in JAIL" ??
Why did he request to set free of KN ?
Was that a political joke of a joker?
You all are wrong. What Zagana wanted to say is do not release KN. We have to take Zagana's words in reversed way. Right? Need to get confirmation from Zagana. Irrawaddy please ask Zagana to make a press conferation and do some clarification.
ကာနီနာေတြ, ကုိကုိယ္တုိင္လဲ ဘာမွမလုပ္ႏုိင္ဘူး ,
လုပ္တဲ့လူေတြကုိလဲ ဘယ္ေတာ့မွ အေကာင္းမျမင္ဘူး
မင္တုိ႕လုိေကာင္ေတြ ရွိေနလုိ႕ စစ္မွန္တဲ့ ဒီမုိကေရစီ ကုိ
မရတာ။အျမဲတမ္း တဖက္သား ကုိ မေကာင္းျမင္ မေကာင္းေျပာ
မင္းတုိ႕မွ တကယ့္ခ်ီးထုပ္ေတြ
ခင္ဗ်ား ခင္ညြန္႕ သြားေတြ႕တာ လက္ခ်ိတ္ တာ အေရးမစိုက္ပါ ... ခ်စ္လြန္းလို႕ ဖက္ဘဲ နမ္းနမ္း ေပါ့ ... ဒါေပမဲ့ ခင္ညြန္႕ ကို ေထာင္ထဲ မွာ မထားသင့္ဘူး .. တို႕ ..လႊတ္ေပးသင့္ပါတယ္ တို႕ ..ဆိုတာေတြ က ... အရမ္းေျမွာက္သြားျပီေလ .. ႏိူင္ငံေရး ပ်က္လံုး ေတြ မွာလည္း မႏၱေလး က ဦးပါပါေလး တို႕ေလာက္ ခင္ဗ်ား မလုပ္ေသး ပါဘူး ... ေအာက္ေျခ လြတ္သြား ရင္ေတာ့ ခင္ဗ်ားလည္း ခ်ီးထုပ္ ျဖစ္သြားမွာဘဲ ...