ျမန္မာျပည္က တကၠသုိလ္မ်ား ၀က္ဆုိက္မရိွ

Friday, March 2, 2012

(graphic by www.smartconsultant.net)

ၾကာသပေတးေန႔ ျပည္သူ႔လႊတ္ေတာ္ အစည္းအေ၀းသတင္းမွာ ေဖာ္ျပထားတာပါ။
ျမန္မာျပည္က တကၠသုိလ္ေတြအတြက္ ကုိယ္ပုိင္ ၀က္ဆုိက္ေတြ မထားဘူးလား လုိ႔ အမတ္တဦးက ေမးပါတယ္။

ျပည္ေထာင္စုပညာေရး၀န္ ေဒါက္တာျမေအးရဲ႕ အေျဖကေတာ့ အစီအစဥ္ မရိွေသးဘူးလုိ႔ ဆုိပါတယ္။ ကုိယ္ပုိင္ မရိွေပမယ့္ သူမ်ား၀က္ဆုိက္ေတြကုိေတာ့ ၾကည့္ၾကပါတယ္ တ့ဲ။ အီးေမးလ္လည္း သုံးပါတယ္ တ့ဲ။


  1. Anonymous said... :

    ဟိဟိ...ရီစရာေတြေတာ့ၿဖစ္ၿပန္ၿပီ... ထိုင္းမွာေတာ့ကိုယ္ပိုင္ဝက္ဆိုက္ဖြင့္တာလြယ္မွလြယ္... ဝန္ႀကီးခင္ဗ်ာဝက္ဆိုက္ဖြင့္တဲ့ကိစၥ..ၿဂိုလ္တုလႊတ္တင္ ရမဲ့ကိစၥေလာက္ႀကီးႀကယ္မယ္ထင္ေနပံုရတယ္..

  1. မူႀကိဳသေလးေလး said... :

    တကၠသိုလ္၀က္ဆိုက္မရွိတာဟာ ၿမန္မာၿပည္ ပညာေရးစနစ္ အလြန္နိမ့္က်ေနေသးတာကို
    သိသာေစပါတယ္။internet,email သံုး
    တာေလာက္ကေတာ့ ဒီေခတ္မွာ သူငယ္တန္း ကေလးေလးေတာင္ တတ္ေနပါၿပီ။

  1. Anonymous said... :



  1. Anonymous said... :

    ဝက္ဆိုက္ဆိုတာ ဘာလဲလို႔ဝန္ၾကီးကို အရင္ေမးၾကည္႔ဖို႔လိုပါတယ္ ျပည္ထဲေရးက အရာရိွၾကီးဆိုသူေတြနဲ႔ တရားသူၾကီးတခ်ဳိ႕ကေတာ႔ အီးေမးနဲ႔ ဂ်ီေမးကို အခုအထိ မရွင္းမရွင္းျဖစ္ေနၾကတုန္းပဲ အင္တာနက္နဲ႔ အီးေမးက အိမ္နီးခ်င္းနိင္ငံေတြမွာ မႈလတန္းအဆင္႔ ကေလးေတြေတာင္ သံုးေနၾကျပီဗ် ေကာင္းလိုက္တဲ႔ပညာေရး

  1. Anonymous said... :

    I wish to regret to parliament not to place uneducated minister and no brain even educated.

    Moreover, the parliament seems like waiting Daw Aung Su Kyi to make a firm decision.

  1. Anonymous said... :

    ၀န္ၾကီးက ၀က္ဆိုင္ (ဒါမွမဟုတ္) ၀က္ေမြးျမဴတာနဲ ့ မကြဲတာ ျဖစ္မွာပါ။ တကၠသိုလ္ၾကီးေတြဆိုေတာ့လည္း ၀က္ေခ်း၊ ၀က္ေသးနံ ့ေတြနဲ ့ လႈိင္ေနမွာကို၊ မျဖစ္ေစခ်င္လို ့ ျဖစ္မွာေပါ့။

  1. Anonymous said... :

    How does our minister of education respond, if someone will sponsor for website? Actually, a lot of myanmar technicians, even in local, can do that kind of job. Shameful Prof. Dr My's Aye. There r a lot of people who r willing to contribute for our country.
    Dear Mr. President, you don't need to ask/request technological helps from Singapore. Just try to make space for ppl who working abroad. More than 90% of them are strongly willing to return n contribute for mother land. The number of quality educated myanmar citizen is significantly higher than that Singapore can help. Why is the government waiting?
    We just need is transparency of government. Let work together.

  1. Anonymous said... :

    Dear the anonymous who said about hpaantu university, a university website is not just an interactive website, bro. Generally, most of uni web sites are web portal. Need a lot of features.

  1. Anonymous said... :

    " 0က္ " ဆုိက္ ၇ွိလည္ ဘာလုပ္ ၇မွာလဲ ...ၾကက္ ဆုိက္ ျဖစ္ေနတဲ့ မီးမွ မလာတာကုိ .....

  1. Aung said... :

    I do so sorry for my country's stone age technology level. The Websites are so easy to create and just require to update the resource regularly. The explanation of Prof Dr. Mya Aye's can be seen the level of education system under his umbrella. In my professional field, we are going ahead for "cloud", but in my own country is :(. I hope I can go soon and helps for my country without obstacle for my academic freedom.

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