ဒိန္းမတ္၊ ေနာ္ေ၀ တုိ႔ရဲ႕ ပူးတဲြ သံကုိယ္စားလွယ္ရုံး တရား၀င္ ဖြင့္ပဲြကုိ တနဂၤေႏြေန႔က ရန္ကုန္မွာ ျပဳလုပ္ခ့ဲပါတယ္။
ထူးျခားတာကေတာ့ ဒိန္းမတ္နဲ႔ ေနာ္ေ၀ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ေတြကုိယ္တုိင္ တက္ေရာက္ ဖြင့္လွစ္ၾကျခင္းပါ။
ျမန္မာအစုိးရဘက္က ျပည္ေထာင္စု၀န္ႀကီးတခ်ဳိ႕လည္း ဖြင့္ပဲြ တက္ေရာက္ၾကပါတယ္။
ဒိန္းမတ္ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္က သမၼတ ဦးသိန္းစိန္နဲ႔ အဂၤါေန႔မွာ ေတြ႔ဆံုပါတယ္။ လာအုိႏုိင္ငံမွာ ေတြ႔ၾကတာပါ။ ႏွ
ေနာ္ေ၀ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ကလည္း စေနေန႔မွာ ဦးသိန္းစိန္နဲ႔ ေတြ႔ဆံုခဲ့ပါတယ္။ ေနျပည္ေတာ္မွာပါ။ ေတြ႔ဆုံပဲြအျပီး ေအာက္ေဖာ္ျပပါ ပူးတဲြထုတ္ျပန္ခ်က္တေစာင္ ထုတ္ျပန္ပါတယ္။
ျမန္မာျပည္ ဒီမုိကေရစီေရး၊ လူ႔အခြင့္အေရး၊ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး အတြက္ ေနာ္ေ၀ရဲ႕ တစုိက္မတ္မတ္ ေထာက္ခံမႈကုိ သမၼတဦးသိန္းစိန္က ေက်းဇူးတင္ရိွတယ္ဆုိတ့ဲအခ်က္ အပါအ၀င္ အေၾကာင္းအရာ အမ်ားအျပားကုိ ထုတ္ျပန္ခ်က္မွာ ေတြ႔ရမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
The Norwegian Prime Minister commended the President on his efforts and expressed understanding for what the President has said about the complexity of the challenges ahead. The Prime Minister assured the President of Norway’s continued support to the reform process in general, to economic development and to the peace efforts. He acknowledged the significance of the Presidents intention to start an inclusive political process to identify key issues for a political settlement. The Norwegian Prime Minister underlined the importance of the fact that the process is Myanmar-lead, but added that Norway and the international community stand ready to support the peace efforts and further democratization in Myanmar.
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ရန္ကုန္ သံကုိယ္စားလွယ္ရုံး ဖြင့္ပဲြအခမ္းအနားမွာ ေတြ႔ရတ့ဲ ဒိန္းမတ္ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ Ms. Helle Thorning-Schmidt နဲ႔ ေနာ္ေ၀ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ Mr. Jens Stoltenberg (ဓာတ္ပုံမ်ား - ဧရာ၀တီ) |
ဒိန္းမတ္၊ ေနာ္ေ၀ တုိ႔ရဲ႕ ပူးတဲြ သံကုိယ္စားလွယ္ရုံး တရား၀င္ ဖြင့္ပဲြကုိ တနဂၤေႏြေန႔က ရန္ကုန္မွာ ျပဳလုပ္ခ့ဲပါတယ္။
ထူးျခားတာကေတာ့ ဒိန္းမတ္နဲ႔ ေနာ္ေ၀ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ေတြကုိယ္တုိင္ တက္ေရာက္ ဖြင့္လွစ္ၾကျခင္းပါ။
ျမန္မာအစုိးရဘက္က ျပည္ေထာင္စု၀န္ႀကီးတခ်ဳိ႕လည္း ဖြင့္ပဲြ တက္ေရာက္ၾကပါတယ္။
ဒိန္းမတ္ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္က သမၼတ ဦးသိန္းစိန္နဲ႔ အဂၤါေန႔မွာ ေတြ႔ဆံုပါတယ္။ လာအုိႏုိင္ငံမွာ ေတြ႔ၾကတာပါ။ ႏွ
ေနာ္ေ၀ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ကလည္း စေနေန႔မွာ ဦးသိန္းစိန္နဲ႔ ေတြ႔ဆံုခဲ့ပါတယ္။ ေနျပည္ေတာ္မွာပါ။ ေတြ႔ဆုံပဲြအျပီး ေအာက္ေဖာ္ျပပါ ပူးတဲြထုတ္ျပန္ခ်က္တေစာင္ ထုတ္ျပန္ပါတယ္။
ျမန္မာျပည္ ဒီမုိကေရစီေရး၊ လူ႔အခြင့္အေရး၊ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး အတြက္ ေနာ္ေ၀ရဲ႕ တစုိက္မတ္မတ္ ေထာက္ခံမႈကုိ သမၼတဦးသိန္းစိန္က ေက်းဇူးတင္ရိွတယ္ဆုိတ့ဲအခ်က္ အပါအ၀င္ အေၾကာင္းအရာ အမ်ားအျပားကုိ ထုတ္ျပန္ခ်က္မွာ ေတြ႔ရမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
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Joint Press Statement
– 3 November 2012
President U Thein Sein
met this evening with Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in the
Presidential Palace in Naypyitaw. The
talks included discussions on the ongoing peace efforts in Myanmar.
President U Thein Sein
briefed Prime Minister Stoltenberg on the progress made thus far towards not
only democratic government and sustainable development, but also towards a just
and lasting peace.
The President
emphasized that peace is now finally within reach, after more than sixty years
of armed conflict, and that it was vital that this opportunity not be
lost. He said though that the challenges
ahead “will be complex and difficult” and that “no one should underestimate the
hard work and tough choices that lie ahead”.
He also said that
reaching peace will mean tackling many and varied issues, including some that are familiar from other
peace processes around the world, issues such as fiscal devolution,
resource-sharing, language rights and legislation to enforce non-discrimination. Myanmar’s peace process however was a
particularly complicated one as it involved a variety of armed groups and
ethnic minorities, “each with their own histories and aspirations”.
He stated his
categorical view that in Myanmar “there can be not true peace without democracy
and no democracy without peace”.
The President informed
the Norwegian Prime Minister that he will now ask the Peace Working Committee
to identify the issues that may come up in Myanmar's peace process ahead. The
President will ask Minister U Aung Min to meet with each of the armed groups to
ask them as well to identify the issues that they feel will be most important.to
future political dialogue. This will be
a further step towards all inclusive talks leading to a final peace settlement.
The President thanks
Norway for its steadfast support for democracy, human rights, and peace in
Myanmar and said that “Norway’s friendship has been of great value in making
possible our progress so far.”
In turning to the
current sectarian violence in Rakhine state, the President underlined Myanmar’s
long history as a tolerant society with peoples of many different faiths, said
that he would do everything possible to end the violence quickly and restore
law and order. And pledged to resolve the present situation according to
international standards,
The Norwegian Prime Minister commended the President on his efforts and expressed understanding for what the President has said about the complexity of the challenges ahead. The Prime Minister assured the President of Norway’s continued support to the reform process in general, to economic development and to the peace efforts. He acknowledged the significance of the Presidents intention to start an inclusive political process to identify key issues for a political settlement. The Norwegian Prime Minister underlined the importance of the fact that the process is Myanmar-lead, but added that Norway and the international community stand ready to support the peace efforts and further democratization in Myanmar.
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