Sanctions on Burma: Review by NLD
I want to be anomymous too, but call me PB Publico.
The first Anunymous' comment is political too, for it is obvious he is bent on currying favour or doing spme business that is being affected by the sanctions: he has been directly afffected.
To me every thing is political, but not necessarily siding with one party or another for personal gains. The objective must be genuiely oriented to public wellbeing for the long term.
The Anonymous cannot guarantee that lifting the santions will be directly benificiaal to the general public, particularly the working class and the farmers. Can he? Do you know what the junta and its xcronies are doing to the poor farmers and the workers? Well, update yourself, if you don't know. If you know, you are not paying attention to the needs of the people.
And on top of that the junta will not loosen its grip on the people, leave alone allow any degree of freedom or human rights abuses and war crimes.
We want peace while the junta does not. It wants Burma on a perpetual state of war. They are very smart in that they know they cannot survive without their institutionalised idea of war in Burma.
What do you say to that Mr Anonymous?
And I say, caqrry on NLD. You are doing fine.
ပိတ္ဆို ့မွဳ ေၿပာၾကရင္ အေနာက္နိဳင္ငံ ပိတ္ဆို ့ေနတာ ဘဲ ေၿပာေနၾကတယ္။ root cause ကို ေၿပာတာ နည္းေနသလိုဘဲ။
ေနာက္ပီး ေဒၚစု နဲ ့NLD ကို အပစ္ပံုခ် သလိုလိုမ်ိဳး ေယာင္၀ါး ၀ါဒၿဖန္ ့ ့ေနတာ ဘဲ အေတြ ့ မ်ားေနတယ္။
တကယ္ေတာ့ ခု စာတန္း လို အခ်က္အလက္နဲ ့ တဖက္ က ၿပန္ေၿဖရွင္းတာမ်ိဳး ၿဖစ္သင့္တာေပါ့။
လူ ့အခြင့္အေရးခ်ိဳးေဖာက္မွဳ ေတြ ခုရပ္လိုက္ပါ။
ဥပေဒမဲ့ လယ္သိမ္းယာသိမ္း ၊ေပၚတာဆဲြ၊ခေလးစစ္သားေတြ ကိစၥ ရပ္လိုက္ပါ။ မရွိဘူး၊ရွိတယ္ ၿငင္းေနရတဲ့ နိဳင္ငံေရး အက်ဥ္းသားေတြ လႊတ္ေပးလိုက္ပါ။
ဆက္ပိတ္ဆ့ို့မဲ့လူေတြေရာ၊ ေထာက္ခံသူေတြ ေရာကို ၿပတ္ၿပတ္သားသား ထ တိုက္ေပးပါမယ္။
Very important statement! congratulations for the analysis and the conclusions. It should be presented officially to the Embassies and governments of those countries that have supported the sancitions, asking them to continue to use the intelligent targeted sanciton to press the Burmese junta to free all the political prisoners, open an inclusive time framed dialogue with ASSK, the demcoratic forces including the ethnic nationalities, and to stop all the human rights abuses all over the conutry.
It is wrong to think that the sanctions have affected the Burmese people. they are directed only to the junta business and to its cronies.
those who argue against sanctions should know that the workers of Burma have supported such decisions, that the junta has always used forced labour, slave working conditions to fill their pokets, that all the profits coming from international investments have never been spent for the benefit of the people of Burma.
This is the problem, it would be misleading to hide the junta responsabilities. where is the national budget? why huge resources go to finance army and weapons and the construction of a new capital? etc....
To Anonymous!
How about the cruel sanction by SPDC on its own people for more than two decades?And I know what kind of person you are and,you are exchanging with your precious life & junta's pice of shit!
ေအာက္ပါအခ်က္ (၅) ခ်က္ကုိ NLDမွ လက္ရွိအစုိးရအား အဆုိျပဳ၍ ယုံၾကည္မႈစတင္ တည္ေဆာက္ႏုိင္မည္ဟု ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ပါသည္။
၁။ စီးပြားေရးပိတ္ဆုိမႈအားလုံးကုိ ရုပ္သိမ္းရန္ NLDမွ ႏုိင္ငံတကာသုိ႔ ေထာက္ခံတင္ျပရန္
၂။ NLD ကုိတရားဝင္ပါတီအျဖစ္ျပန္လည္အသိအမွတ္ျပဳရန္
၃။ ႏုိင္ငံေရးအက်ဥ္းသားအားလုံးလႊတ္ေပးရန္
၄။ တုိင္းရင္းသားလက္နက္ကုိင္အဖြဲ႕မ်ားအားလုံးႏွင့္ အပစ္အခက္ရပ္စဲ၍ ေဒသဖြံ႕ၿဖိဳးေရးကုိ လုပ္ေဆာင္သြားရန္
၅။ NLD၊ အျခားေသာႏုိင္ငံေရးပါတီမ်ား၊ တုိင္းရင္းသားအဖြဲ႕အစည္းမ်ား၊ လူမႈေရးအဖြဲ႕အစည္းမ်ား၊ ပညာရွင္္မ်ားႏွင့္ လူငယ္လူလတ္လူႀကီးမ်ားအားလုံး အာဏာပုိင္အဖြဲ႕အစည္းမ်ားႏွင့္ အျပဳသေဘာပူးေပါင္းေဆာင္ရြက္မႈမ်ားကုိ (ႏုိင္ငံႏွင့္ျပည္သူအတြက္ အက်ိဳးရွိမည့္ မည္သည္လုပ္ငန္းမဆုိ) တစ္ဆင့္ခ်င္း စတင္ျခင္းျဖင့္ အျပန္အလွန္ယုံၾကည္မႈကုိ အရွိန္ျမွင့္သြားရန္
Your people are good story talker,problem are those Than Shwe group don't want to change,they want to control all and absolutely power.they don't want to change for civilian,they want to keep all in lower level,they know how to improve country and economy, but problem are they don't want to see all of civilian in good life, they want to see all in struggle for living, they only look for their family.How can NLD cooperate with then for change,there are no possibility, Yes agree to NLD for support sanction..
Mommy Suu;
Since you are referring to international organization's reports on the impact of sanction on Burma, why do not you also compare the impact of other sanctions on Iran, Iraq, North-Korea, Libya, Cuba and Sudan? Have you ever seen the impact on any of those regimes? or the ordinary people in those countries better off for decades long sanctions?
Instead of relying the assessment of NGOs who are foreigners and who are paid to write reports by staying and interviewing the lives of massage girls while sleeping with them at five stars hotels, driving pass the squatters/slums on air-con limos, judging the food at high-end restaurant, why do not you ask any ordinary slum dwelling worker(about 40 years old who grew up before 8888)whether life is better before 8888 or under General Tun Kyi's time before the sanction.
Everybody know that the wealth of ruling generals and cronies grew unfettered by sanctions after its imposition.I believe that Mommy Sein (Gay Queen) who led gay-union in 8888 could do better than Mommy Suu in NLD and make all those old fags in NLD CEC to wear Hta Mein.
NLD and all its leadership lose credibility and the endorsement of sanction is the letting-go-off last straw. History is judging them and my own feeling from personal worshiping of Amay Suu to turning against her prove it.
Many millions of Burmese people who were not benefit from Democracy struggle by getting right to live in western countries such as U.S or Norway, would have the same point of view with me.
Down with NLD and Mommy Suu!
I am the one who wrote the first comment under Anonymous. Let me add a few comments to clarify my stance.
I fully understand the mismanagement of the junta and the people's hardships under the oppressive regime.
In my first message, I meant only the blanket sanctions targeting to the entire country and industry. I don't mean to say the sanctions targeted to the individuals of the junta and its cronies.
I believe BLANKET sanctions hurt the general public and indirectly cause loss of opportunities to the country and the people to a great extent. On the other hand, these blanket sanctions had little impact on the junta mainly because they could do a lot businesses with Asian countries particularly in the sectors related to natural resources.
So, I think the NLD is wrong to say that the sanctions (including blanket sanctions) had little impact on ordinary people. Moreover, the NLD should not accuse other political parties of being political in calling for lifting of sanctions. They may be doing for the benefits of people based on their own beliefs.
My recommendation to the NLD is:
- To help lift all blanket sanctions
- To ask for reinforcing targeted sanctions
- Not to rely too much on internation pressure
- To devise a strategy which relies more on the forces/people inside the country
- To make friends with China, India and ASEAN
- To put little more focus on economic development of the country
- Might not be relevant under this topic but please reform your party management. Please bring in more young people and also bring in people with different views.
The NLD's statement said "Earnings from garment exports fell by 400 million dollars in 2003 as a result of US sanctions. Of that loss, only about 2.5% was related to labor wages." This 2.5% or $10MM can be translated into the annual income of 20,000 workers assuming $500 annual income per worker.
The statement also said the garment industry recovered thanks to the demand from China. However, if there were no sanctions, demands from the West and China combined would have created tens or hundreds thousands of new jobs.
In short, although the junta's mismanagement is the main cause of people's hardships, BLANKET sanctions also make people's lives harder. These blanket sanctions cause loss of opportunities in terms of new jobs, new business opportunities for small and medium enterprises, etc., which was not covered in the NLD's report.
Moreover, these sanctions did not bring about any positive change in Myanmar's politics. The generals are richer than ever and their control over the country is stronger than ever. Any reason to keep these blanket sanctions?
Let's make it very simple.
- Lift controversial BLANKET sanctions
- REINFORCE and EXPAND the sanctions targeted to the individuals
ဘေလာ့ဂ္ အေၾကာင္း
႐ုပ္ / သံ
တပတ္အတြင္း အဖတ္အမ်ားဆံုး
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Grandmother and Great Grandfathers of the NLD,
In the statement, you said as follows:
Recently there have been calls for the removal of sanctions by some political parties, organizations, individuals and nations. Most of these calls seem to have been motivated by political considerations.
Actually your decision to continue to support economic sanctions targeted to the entire country/industry is obviously based on your political considerations not to lose your current role in Myanmar political landscape. Myanmar people will be the scapegoat of economic mismanagement of the junta and the sanctions you strongly support.
No one can deny that the NLD's strategy to solely rely on international pressure and sanctions did not work in the past two decades. What is your strategy going forward? It is time to change yourself. Please change yourself first before trying to change Myanmar.