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Saturday, January 21, 2012

ဒီတပတ္ ဒိတ္လုိင္းဧရာ၀တီမွာ ေဆြးေႏြးေျပာဆုိထားၾကတာကေတာ့ နုိင္ငံေရးအက်ဥ္းသား လႊတ္ေပးမႈအေၾကာင္း ျဖစ္ပါတယ္


  1. Anonymous said... :

    At about 2 : 26 minutes, Mr Aung Zaw did not continue discussing with Kh Htan's talk of ' Khin Nyunt release ' . Kh Htan said ' Lu Tway ka May-Khoon-Htoe Sayar Phyit tae regarding ' bloody K Nyunt release '====> A Z changed the topic to
    ' 401 ' topic.

    09 55 .........when discussing about " Maturity of Min Ko Naing and K K Gyi ' .. A zaw pronounced wrong ' Mat Ter Ni ty ' . in stead of ' Mat CheweRity ' . Just correcting . not that big mistake. But listeners may misunderstand.

    Overall . good group meeting. one person body language .not that excessive and the others two . No body languages . very good.

    See if all uses body languages . the session will be full of too much movements. So it is good for viewers.

    I reckon, Media does not have enough courage to discuss about that ' M I ' LuDu Chin But .. I wonder why ?

    I noticed you , especially A Z tried to avoid that discussion . I just wonder. . .Thank you.

    I use my spare time to comment on your DATELINE. Wai Moe Style is ' calm ' I noticed all the time. Does not mean others two are not calm.

    Memory retention is advantageous for journalist. But having 'gists' handy is very good tool.

    You don't have to post my comment if u are not comfortable. This is the free service.

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