ရခုိင္ျပည္နယ္ အစုိးရ နဲ႔ ALP အၾကား ျငိမ္းခ်မ္းေရး သေဘာတူညီခ်က္
စာမ်က္ႏွာ - ၁
စာမ်က္ႏွာ - ၂
ALP ရဲ႕ ေတာင္းဆုိခ်က္
စာမ်က္ႏွာ - ၁
စာမ်က္ႏွာ - ၂
တစ္ဖက္က ျငိမ္ခ်မ္းေရးလုပ္ေနခ်ိန္မွာ
တစ္ဖက္က ရခုိင္ကုိ ကုိလုိနီျပဳထားတယ္..
ရခုိင္ကရတာသိမ္းက်ဴံးယူျပီး ရခုိင္ေတြကုိမ်က္ကြယ္ျပဳထား
ေနရတယ္..ဂစ္ကအစ ဆင္ျဖဴ အေျမာက္ ဘုရား အကုန္
သိမ္းက်ဴံးယူတယ္.စစ္ေတြက ကေလး ၉၀ေက်ာ္ဖမ္းဆီး
ေခၚသြားတာ ဘယ္ေရာက္ေနလဲမသိဘူး..သူတုိ႔
ေရွ႕ေဟာင္းဘုရာေတြ တံတုိင္းေတြ အေဆာက္အဦးေတြ
ကုိ ရန္ကုန္စစ္ေတြ ေသမင္းတမန္ကားလမ္းကုိအေၾကာင္း
ရခုိင္တုိင္းရင္းသား၀တ္စုံနဲ႔ အလံကုိ ရခုိင္ေတြရဲ႕
သေဘာတူညီမွဳမရွိဘဲ အတင္းအက်တ္ေျပာင္းလဲျပင္
အဲဒီေတာ့ မီးစတဘက္ ေရမုတ္တဘက္ ျဖစ္ေနတယ္..
ဘယ္ေန႔ထေဆာ္ၾကမလဲ ၾကည့္ေနတယ္..
I am a Chin national. Welcome for peace agreement between ALP and the government.
But I need to warn to those who are responsible to think again.
We Chins will oppose at any cost about having a correspondence office in Paletwa because, as everyone knows, it is Chin State territory not Rakhine State.
We will watch closely and cautiously. If that moves on, we will have no choice but to have against campaigns domestically and internationally.
This could effect our long term ethnic brotherhood relationship. It is not necessary and can be avoided.
So,think wisely and do not start a conflict if you are really looking for peace.