ညေစာင့္က ျခင္ေဆးထြန္း"အိပ္"တယ္လို႔ ဆုိပါတယ္။ ညေစာင့္ မီးထဲ ပါသြားသလား ဆုိတာေတာ့ သတင္းထဲ ေရးမထားပါ။
" Night watchman ' is employed to watch at night.
He is not supposed to sleep at night.
It is his duty. That is what ' job title ' called.
If one has to take ' break ' another has to take cover for him.
It is administration of market responsibility to ensure ' precise job description ' .
If he can not work ' night watch man ' . Let him leave the job.
find the one who can.
Take full responsbility.
Night shift duty is very tough in the long run.
It needs to be in a group of 4- 5 persons. Radio/ music player can be provided.
but not Alcohol/ playing cards etc.
It has to be patrolled regularly by walking/ cycling etc.
Night shift duty is also very important in Medical Service. .. patients' care as well.
Administration body needs to know how to administer effectively , how to appoint good employees, how to reinforce their job performance.
If mosquito is the issue, mosquito repellent , long sleeved uniform ( if weather is hot, cotton long sleeved uniformed etc . fan etc . .
good facility to be provided.
Now , in case of fire, when duty is not dutiful for various reasons. ......Now you all lose many things. right ........you all have to invest good money and resources and reinforcement.
Prevention of fire ..
Water availability, fire extinguishers availability
training of night watchmen.
Trained to ' not to sleep ' at night.
4 nights a week duty. Not 5 nights or 7 nights a week.
Enough staff to roster through every night.
For example if 5 staff is required for night shift, you have to recruit about 8 staff so that you can do ' rotation shift' within 8 persons for 7 days a week duty.
one can not do every night duty .
By and large, night duty staff MUST NOT SLEEP.
by saying so ' to sleep Chin Say Khway ' ......he was proved to be " Negligent and not dutiful ' at all.
Myanmar Naing Ngan Kyee.....knows ' How to administer ' NIGHT DUTIES ' in civil sectors.
Military sectors, they will look after that. Again, if night duty is faulty, the whole army / country will be dead. ...
Night Duty
Night Duty
Night Duty
How to administer in the whole country , urban / rural areas. Pe Thet Khin ........take lessons of last 40 years in health industry as well.
လူဆိုတာညဘက္အိပ္ငိုက္တတ္တဲအမ်ိဳးပဲ ညေစာင့္
အျပစ္ကျခင္ေဆးေခြ။အျပင္ကိုမီးမကူးမီးမေလာင္ေစပဲ ထြန္းနိုင္တဲ့ျခင္ေဆးေခြမ်ိဳးျမန္မာျပည္မွာမရိွဘူး။
ဆုိင္ ခန္း ၁၂၀၀ ေတာင္ ၁ နာ ရီ ခြဲ အ တြင္း ေလာင္ သြား တယ္ ဆုိ ေတာ႔။ လူ ၁၀ ေယာက္ တ ျပိဳင္ နက္ ဓါတ္ ဆီ နဲ႔ ပက္ ျပီး မီး ရွုိူ႕ တာ ျဖစ္ ရ မယ္။
ျခင္ေဆး ေခြေၿကာင္႔ ဆုိ တာ ဘယ္ လုိ သိ သ လဲ?
ျခင္ေဆး ေခြေၿကာင္႔ ဆုိင္ ခန္း ၁၂၀၀ ေတာင္ ေလာင္ တယ္ ဆုိ တာ ျဖစ္ နွိင္ ပါ့ မ လား?