
လ၀က႐ုံးက ေငြေပးမွ ႏိုင္ငံသားကတ္ျပား လုပ္ေပးတယ္ တ့ဲ။ ေငြေပးတ့ဲသူ ဘယ္ေလာက္ မ်ားသလဲ၊ ေပးေတာ့ ဘာျဖစ္သလဲ?
မေပးတ့ဲသူ ဘယ္ေလာက္ ရိွသလဲ၊ မေပးေတာ့ ဘာျဖစ္သလဲ?
လုပ္ေတာ႔ သခိုး ဒါးျမ
မရိွလို႔ ေတာင္းစားတဲ႔
သူတို႔၀န္ၾကီးေျပာေတာ့နိဳင္ငံသားကဒ္တခုကို ၆က်ပ္နဲ့လုပ္ေပးတယ္ဆို ၊ အခုေတာ့( ေျခာက္က်ပ္ခြဲ ) ျဖစ္သြားျပီလား
အစိုးရဝန္ထမ္းေတြ ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ား ဘာေၾကာင့္ အက်င့္ပ်က္ေနၾကသလဲ ၊ ဘာေၾကာင့္ လာဘ္ေပးလာဘ္ယူ ကိစၥေတြ ျဖစ္ေနၾကသလဲ ဆိုတာ ေသခ်ာ ေလ့လာဆန္းစစ္ၾကည့္ဖို႔လိုပါလိမ့္မယ္။ သူတို႔ကို အေရးယူလဲယူတာပဲရိွမယ္ လံုးဝအရွင္းႀကီး ပေပ်ာက္သြားမွာမဟုတ္ပါဘူး။
bar KateSa ' Ah Hlu ' Htae ya Mar Lae ?
this is not ' ah Hlu ' . this is ' bribe' . This is ' robbing '
There are three kinds of ' usages ' in Myanmar
1. Sooth Kyell - that is people *give away * it to poor and
disadvantaged people.
2. Pay Kann - that is people * give away * to other people with more or less the same level.
3. Hlu Dann - that is people ' give away ' to people who is above their level. LIKE - SaYar, monks, for donation for Buddhism etc.
and also donation for disaster victims.
Immigration department or other departments are representing Government who is the service provider for people.
People employed them to ' SERVE ' them.
So ,how comes they are asking for such ' Tea money ' etc.
if they are starved, ask their governmental official , supervisors to rally against ' salary rise up '.
Then Government will find the way to sort this ' starvation, hunger ' problem.
The Government staff are employed by people and there is no such activity in Myanmar.
OK , let's talk something special.. if one person is asking the IMMIGRATION OFFICIAL to do something WRONG ( false ID, false document ) . .well in this case. that immigration officer can ' take bribe ' and ' do wrong doing ' .
that is called ' bribe ' and you can ask for ' bribe' . but if you are arrested, you both will be accounted for .
For routine, usual practice of ' Identity card issue ' ......that is the duty of you IMMIGRATION and that is why you all are employed for.
You can't ask for any money AT ALL>
If you are starved - as your salary is not enough. that is the issue for 'pay issue - to get paid more' then do the rally to responsible department TO PAY MORE SALARY>
Dont' squeeze from PEOPLE>
do you all understand the ' channels ' . I mean " Channels ' - Lan Kyaung.
L - - , Pyaw Ya Tar S Yan maw tae.