
Sunday, April 8, 2012

ေဖေဖာ္၀ါရီလ ရန္ကုန္ျမိဳ႕ အုိင္တီျပပဲြတခု ျမင္ကြင္း

ရန္ကုန္နဲ႔ ေဒသအသီးသီးမွာ မီးျဖတ္မယ္ တ့ဲ။
ဘာေၾကာင့္ ျဖတ္တယ္၊ ဘယ္ကာလအထိ ဘယ္လုိ ျဖတ္မယ္ ဆုိတာေတြကုိ
ဒီေန႔ထုတ္ ျမန္မာ့အလင္းသတင္းစာ သတင္းတပုဒ္မွာ ေဖာ္ျပထားပါတယ္။


  1. Maung Maung said... :

    The Minister of the Candle once said the country had to sell electricity to oversea as a result of abundant supply, should suicide himself. Resignation is not enough in this case.

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