ေဂ်ာ့ေတာင္းတကၠသိုလ္၊ အေရွ႕ေတာင္အာရွေရးရာ ေလ့လာေရးဌာန၊ အေမရိကန္-ကိုရီးယား အင္စတီက်ဳက က်င္းပမယ့္ ျမန္မာနဲ႔ ကိုရီးယား ႏွစ္ႏိုင္ငံဆိုင္ရာ ေဆြးေႏြးပြဲ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ (အစီအစဥ္ အေသးစိတ္ကို ေအာက္ဆံုးက လင့္ခ္မွာ ၾကည့္ပါ။)
Kenney Auditorium, 1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036
Co-hosted by the U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, Southeast Asia Studies at SAIS, and Georgetown University, this conference will illuminate important relationships of both North and South Korea and Myanmar, analyze regional implications of such relationships, and inform U.S. policy accordingly. Panel discussions include:
View the program agenda.
Co-hosted by the U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, Southeast Asia Studies at SAIS, and Georgetown University, this conference will illuminate important relationships of both North and South Korea and Myanmar, analyze regional implications of such relationships, and inform U.S. policy accordingly. Panel discussions include:
Politics and Economics of Myanmar Under a New Administration
South Korean-Myanmar Economic and Trade Relations
Strategic Interests in Myanmar: China, India and ASEAN
Security Cooperation Between Myanmar and North Korea
What It All Means: Implications of North and South Korean Relations with Myanmar
South Korean-Myanmar Economic and Trade Relations
Strategic Interests in Myanmar: China, India and ASEAN
Security Cooperation Between Myanmar and North Korea
What It All Means: Implications of North and South Korean Relations with Myanmar
View the program agenda.
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