ဓာတ္ပုံမ်ားကုိ ေဒါက္တာေနဝင္းေမာင္ အမွတ္တရ facebook စာမ်က္ႏွာ http://www.facebook.com/NayWinMaung.Dr ကေန ကူးယူပါတယ္
It seems very funny that everybody, even including DASSK and foreign nations like the US and EU, is flocking to the NWM show. Now everybody seems to be loving and missing NWM, who is even dubbed by some people as a national hero (I don't understand why!). Some people even go further to say that NWM deserves a state funeral (I don't see why!). Now everybody is saying good things about NWM. I don't mean we should say bad things about him but we must not tell lies. It is solid evidence of our Burmese people who don't have clear opinion of anyone or anything. Or maybe, we don't have commitment to anyone or anything.
Some people even say that NWM is such a scholar though he has never done any scholarly serious studies. People don't seem to understand what Yale World fellowships are (they are just for active mid-career professionals; they don't get serious scholarly training to become serious political and social analysts). Don't think that spending some months at Yale will change a journalist into a legendary political scientist.
Most disappointing in this NWM show is DASSK who has been seen to be PARTYING so much nowadays. She seems to show to our people and the world that she seeks unity. But to me, she just doesn't have clear opinion. The future of Burma seems quite gloomy with this popular democracy heroine who doesn't seem to possess integrity.
To those anonymous concerned,
I don't understand why some people couldn't control or hide their malice and sheer grudge on someone else even in time of the latter's demise. Such anti-social, out-classed cynics (if they are Burmese) should know that their psyche is despicable by every civilised society including and profoundly in the free world where most of them enjoy their parasitic life.
NWM was a mediocre scholar by Yale Standard or Yale World Fellowships are mediocre in itself? So what and who cares? NWM might not have been through serious studies to qualify a full-fledge scholar but he clearly did certain practical contributions to his country and people in what way he believe was good and was not bad as well to say the least.
If you wanted to pick the bone of contention that it was his efforts that had led the country from military dictatorship to the current neo-military democracy under bogus constitution, look yourself first as serious losers who, probably some are in the arrogant status of (real) scholars from the world class institutions compatible to Yale, could not even make a scratch to prevent it in the name of people.
I did not know much of NWM more than was portrayed in media on his obituary and did not care too. But one can believe by seeing his active participation alone in the realisation of peace-talks between government and armed ethnic groups that he lived a real man of action in contrast to those who are substandardly womanish noise makers.
And your two-mud-with-on-sling unsurprisingly sounds more feverish on NLD leader who attended NWM’s 7th day memorial service. What a shame! You don’t even seem to have a common sense on Burmese culture and tradition to fiddle about it. If you wanted the NLD and its leader(s) to be quietly amused on the sorrows of the bereaved losing someone who was with its oppressor, rival or even enemy, here is my advice.
Save your soul for dancing with the own death rattle and give the people a break they truly deserve.
(Ng Tay)
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