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Dear The Irrawaddy's Blog
Thanks for re-sharing my video clip on your web page.
Here let me say something about the original "Irrawaddy" music essay CD.
I am not sure that original music essay audio CD came out commercially or not but what I know is that the CD is included in Padauk Pwint Thit Magazine June issue which was published dedicated to "Irrawaddy River".
I just got mp3 versions from mmcybermedia.com and made that video clip to share on my FB without knowledge of original music essay CD producers to get more awareness about "Save The Irrawaddy Cause" among Burmese FB's users. Please forgive me for not being able to ask owners' permission first. Now some people are also sharing this clip in their own wall or other media like YouTube. That's good to promote the cause.
As a creator of the video clip, I feel a bit guilty as it was done without any consent from original owners of the CD which they created greatly with their heart and soul. And worst of all, I did cut some audio parts to make it short enough to upload on FB.
Here I'd like to ask the favour to anyone who knows Sayar Myint Moe Aung and the Producer personally. Please do give my "Big Thanks with great appreciation" for the original music essay audio CD and ask them to accept my late permission request to reproduce their works. Please do it for me if you have a chance.
Like I said earlier, my pure and sole purpose is "To Promote Irrawaddy Cause" but I'd like to reach my permission request to owners if I can so that I'll be most grateful if you all are kind enough to convey my message and request to Sayar Myint Moe Aung and the producer.
လွ်ပ္စစ္ဝံကေလး ကိုေဇာ္ဖ်င္းေရ
အခ်ိန္မီႏိုင္ေသးတယ္ေနာ္။ မိုက္လုံး မႀကီးပါနဲ႔ကြယ္။